Tracy F

Tracy F

Russel, Kentucky

Bringing economic development and HOPE to a small river town
Tracy has been the driving force in bringing economic development, jobs, small businesses, and HOPE to a small river town in Eastern Kentucky.
Besides being a wife, mother, extraordinary friend, and attorney, she is the President of Revitalize Russell, a nonprofit bringing life back to the downtown and the expanded City of Russell. 
She, alongside four other incredible women of Revitalize Russell, has assisted in opening over 40 small businesses in the last two years!  This includes ventures such as a day spa, medical spa, medical office, wedding venue, boutiques, gift shops, children's play place, jewelry store, a brewery, and many more! She has also helped initiate and revitalize community events such as Halloweentown, Rail Road Days, and Holiday Parades. 
Tracy has also helped raise over 150,000 dollars in just two years! All used toward the betterment of the City.  This includes a new park, a farmers market, and other investments.  She is working on installing bike trails, walking trails, and better fresh food choices for our citizens. She is a go-getter with the best quality of asking for and accepting help. Tracy, and the four phenomenal women mentioned, are a Super Team with big plans for the future! 
Tracy's nominator shares: "Tracy is kind-hearted, smart, and ambitious.  She isn't just ambitious for herself - she wants us all to succeed and puts in the long hours needed to make this happen!"