Sandy K

Meet Viva Babe Sandy! Sandy exemplifies living a life out loud. When our Consuela Crew surprised Sandy during a staff meeting, she was completely caught off guard. She was speechless (and she's never speechless)!!!

Sandy is the Director of Special Education in an Austin-area school district and is a dynamic leader who encourages and applauds each person's contributions. She leads with a sense of purpose mixed with lots of laughter! Sandy and her team impact the students in their district in profound ways, and we are so thankful to get to highlight and acknowledge the work of such an amazing group of educators and caregivers.

Sandy is an avid practicer of empathy, constantly focusing herself and her team on staying positive during the challenging days and situations and always remembering to consider what it might be like to walk in another person's shoes. What a great reminder to see the world from others' perspectives and contemplate the situation from the other person's viewpoint. Empathy builds bridges!

Viva-on, Sandy! Thank you for showing us how to live life in the moment, exuding positivity and embracing each day with humor and love!