Phyllis S

She is clothed with strength and dignity, and she laughs without fear of the future
Phyllis recently retired from Austin Habitat for Humanity. AHFH brings people together to build homes, communities, and hope. Not only did she know the AHFH mission, she carried out the mission through and through. Phyllis is now a C12 Chair in Central Texas, helping build great businesses for a greater purpose.
During her AHFH tenure, she helped expand the organization's services further throughout Central Texas and focused on advocating for policies that make affordable development easier, among other achievements. She's a servant leader that always puts her needs secondary and views each employee individually. She's unapologetically a person of great faith and radically inclusive; she embraces diversity and ensures that employees' welfare matters.
When talking with her, there is a sense of serenity and authenticity. She's thoughtful when she provides constructive feedback and always ends with "How can I help?". Her leadership approach helped AHFH to be a recipient of the 2022 Top Places to Work. Phyllis Snodgrass made AHFH ridiculously awesome, and that makes her a Ridiculously Awesome Viva Babe!
This quote inspires her: "She is clothed with strength and dignity, and she laughs without fear of the future."