Kinsey is a full-time mom in Columbus, Georgia, and was nominated by her mom, Pamela. Kinsey and her husband have three children, a boy and two girls, and both daughters have special needs. Her oldest daughter, Charlie Jane, is five and has multiple issues, including seizures and congenital heart defects. “When Charlie came home after ten weeks in a vent, Kinsey had to do around-the-clock tube feedings every three hours while also taking care of a two-year-old. She’s had multiple trips to Atlanta (over 100 miles away) and open-heart surgery. Kinsey NEVER once has complained or asks ‘why me?’”, Pamela says.
Their youngest child, Ellie Ruth, was born with Spina Bifida and Chiari II malformation (a condition in which brain tissue extends into the spinal canal). Ellie, too, has spent time in the hospital, most recently undergoing spinal cord surgery in November. In her nomination, Pamela says, “Ellie has to be cathed every six hours, has a shunt, and lower limb issues, but Kinsey has remained steadfast and diligent. Kinsey’s faith is unshakable, her energy is unwavering, and her smile is contagious. She has the patience of a saint.”
Kinsey, you are remarkable and one awesome momma! We are thankful to call you a Viva Babe!
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