Jodi is a momma to 4 adult/teen children, lives in Trinity, Florida, and was nominated by her friend, Jennifer. Jennifer says, “She is an accomplished cook, and everything she touches turns out better than you would expect. She is creative: sewing, crafting, digital art, organizing, and planning! She sees what is in your head and produces something better. Here is the twist - - she is almost completely deaf! This would be a setback for many - - BUT - - she has chosen to help set others up for success.” Jodi created a hearing loss badge that she wears stating that she is hard of hearing and to please speak slower or write things down. The badge has helped boost her self-confidence to go out into the world.

As you can imagine, the mask mandate has been challenging to those hard of hearing as voices are muffled, and lips can’t be read. So, Jodi has generously decided to send these badges FREE to anyone who needs one. She has also connected with local businesses that work with folks with hearing loss or deafness and offered to provide these badges to their clients for FREE! Jennifer says, “She is not rich, remember the 4 kids?!! She is, however, profoundly generous, kind, humble, and amazing! She is receiving responses from people around the globe, thanking her for saving them from isolation, depression, and fear. These people are using her badges and beginning to live again.”

Jodi shares the quote that motivates her, "Be kind to everyone always. You never know what they are going through."

Jodi, thank you for your benevolence! You give freely to help others, and for this, we celebrate you and remind you of your awesomeness!