Viva Babe Jenny is “positive, compassionate, brave, and thoughtful."

Jenny was nominated by her friends and colleagues, who individually shared how she has impacted their lives in remarkable ways. Torye says, “Jenny has spent over 20 years, teaching, training, consulting, organizing, and coaching individuals, couples, families, and companies to live and work in ‘their Zones’ to make their heart’s desires happen. She is courageous, brave, and one of the most hard-working people I’ve ever met. Jenny has changed my life and so many others.”

Chris says, “Being goal-oriented, she wants to accomplish the best, first for others, because she knows her happiness and the benefits will come to her if others are successful. Since the major disruption in Jenny's life, she has adapted extremely well with courage and determination to make sure her customers are not left out in the cold. She is warm and generous with her time. We are all extremely wealthier because of her dedication.”

Jenny shares what this recognition means to her, "I was happily 'love bombed' with signs, noise makers, hollering friends, one of my great bosses, and even some patrons at the restaurant. This award meant a lot to me because of the timing of it and the meaning of receiving this award from people that took extra time out of their lives to recognize what we have achieved together. I have been working from home since January after getting a diagnosis of Triple Negative Breast Cancer, have had two surgeries, and finally finished 24 weeks of chemo. I have continued to work full time and stay connected, just differently through text, phone, and zoom. I hadn’t seen my boss or my friends in almost 8 months. So, it was thrilling to see people face to face; there is such healing power in looking back into someone’s eyes and giving a real hug! This award was a reminder that I’m still relevant and have meaning. I’m not just a C patient, but I’ve had some integral influence in others’ personal and professional lives.”

Jenny shares a quote she loves, “No one ever sat their way to success” - Tom Peters