Heather is a 2nd-grade teacher with 12 years of teaching experience and lives in Richardson, Texas. She was nominated by her mom, Cynthia, who shares an extraordinary way she positively impacted the life of one of her students.

A few years ago, Heather had a student with a facial congenital anomaly, and her parents didn’t have the money to pay for surgery. “Heather noticed other kids teasing her with the gap missing in her face. That year, Heather researched and found a plastic surgeon in California that did pro bono work,” Cynthia says.

The student’s parents did not speak English, so Heather printed all the information in Spanish and shared the steps to apply for this surgery. A few months later, the mom and kids showed up at Heather’s classroom crying; They were awarded an all-expense-paid trip for the mom and daughter to fly to California for the corrective surgery!

Heather’s generosity didn’t stop there…she organized a meal train with a group of teachers to support the family during this time.

Heather, we are grateful for you! Your acts of kindness and generosity made a ridiculously awesome difference in your student’s life.