Gina S

Gina S

Kingwood, Texas

We walk by faith
Join me in celebrating Gina! She is an incredible High School Counselor and a ray of sunshine to everyone around her.
In Gina's sons' words: "There are many things that make my Mom an inspiration. First and foremost, she is the pillar of strength for our family. Second, she is an amazing High School counselor that everyone adores!" 
Gina is passionate about family, community, and her students. Her mission has always been to care for everyone and to make sure everyone feels taken care of. She has followed her calling. Initially as a High School Health Science teacher, then by furthering her career as a certified school counselor. All to support the students in a much more impactful and personal way. And the students, their families, and the teachers all love the bond and trust they have with her.  
In 2018, a difficult health challenge entered Gina's family. Her husband was diagnosed with stage four cancer. With all her courage, compassion, and care, she remained strong throughout his cancer journey. Always present for him and their family while continuing to be a committed, loving counselor at school. Despite any family medical challenges, Mrs. Gina shows up to work each day wearing her beautiful smile. Grateful for each day and optimistic. Most students at her school have no idea what is happening in her personal life. Students just know she is an incredible high school counselor. 
That is not all! She works with some of the most at-risk students on campus. She helps to change lives by working with them through mental health issues, helping homeless students with food, clothing, a ride home, etc., talking to their teachers, or simply listening when no one else would. She even goes an extra step by organizing events for students with special needs. She brings everyone together, like family, and makes everyone feel special and loved. 
Mrs. Gina is most definitely a Ridiculous Awesome Viva Babe!"
Gina's Family Mantra: "We walk by faith."