Deyona K

Deyona K

Duluth, Minnesota

Deyona's story is one of challenges and overcoming obstacles. Where so many may have given up hope, not Deyona! Her courage and strength have led her to help many other women. By following her heart, she started an amazing organization and home that helps teen mothers placed out of foster care. Thanks to Deyona, these mothers and their babies will not be homeless! The home provides housing and wraparound services to young mothers at Annie's House of R & R. Divine Konnections also provides training and education to youth groups, parents, organizations, and churches. The program's ultimate goal is to take women from homeless to homeowners! Amazing!!
This amazing Viva Babe has also written a book!! 📚 "Nothing's Ever Wasted" 📚 Where she takes us on a heartfelt journey through the power of forgiveness and healing. WOW! 
Deyona is most definitely creating "Divine Konnections" in her community and making an incredibly positive impact on women and the next generations! We are so honored to recognize and celebrate her amazingness!!! Bravo!
Quote that she lives by: "God is within her, she will not fail!"