Deniele V

Deniele V

Kingsburg, California

Always choose joy
Deniele beams with joy and has touched the lives of everyone around her, especially her daughter Rebecca. At only 13 years old, Rebecca nominated her mom and already knows she wants to be like her when she grows up! Why? Because Deniele has an incredible ability to brighten everyone's day and make the world better. How Sweet! 
Despite any challenges that come her way, Deniele always maintains a positive attitude and chooses joy in every situation. Her unwavering love and kindness towards others, even during tough times, has left a lasting impression on her lovely daughter Rebecca and those around her. 
Deniele has always been an inspiration to her daughter. From watching her mom consistently help at school, to teaching art and yearbook, to never saying no to anyone who needs help. The school and students love Deniele. Eleven years later, she continues to be delighted to be with her students, helping them and their community thrive with joy and love. She continues to help with after-school activities and planning and preparing for formal and Prom. These are just some of the positive qualities Deniele shares with everyone that have taught Rebecca the importance of helping others and the value of kindness and love. Rebecca admires her mom's unwavering faith and the love she has for every person. Such a special Mother-Daughter bond. 
Rebecca felt compelled to nominate her mom for this recognition, to show how much she means to her and her impact on her life. Deniele's personal story reminds us that even during difficult times, we have the power to choose joy and love. Thank you, Deniele, for being an inspiration to us all and for being Ridiculously Awesome!
One of her mottos is to "Always choose joy!" And she does this every day, no matter what is going on.