Chelsea owns Bonjour Belle Salon in Austin, Texas, and was nominated by her client, Sharon. Sharon says, “Although I found her due to personal and financial struggles, she quickly became a silver lining in my life. I am a pediatric occupational therapist and own my own small therapy practice. When my husband’s job was eliminated (due to COVID), I had to significantly increase my work hours and trim spending in any way possible.” Sharon had to find a salon en route to work, and “lucky for me, Chelsea’s salon was on my commute route,” Sharon says. ⁠

“I quickly recognized the drive in Chelsea, not just to keep her salon doors open during COVID, but to do so while lifting other women up, Sharon says. “She listened to my fears & anxiety. She shared her struggles, too, and we found strength in one another. Just as I would praise her for being a strong and resilient woman, she did the same for me. I looked forward to my appointments with her, and we each shared our latest tragedies and triumphs. She is powerful, unstoppable, and a ‘push through a pandemic’ business owner who helped me through my yearlong nightmare, and I’m sure she is doing the same for many more!”

Chelsea, thank you for radiating your best energy and reflecting positivity and hope on the world.