Annie J

Annie J

Austin, Texas

Life is life, and you have to keep pushing through no matter what comes our way
"Annie is an inspiration for women who positively impact our community. She works with people with disabilities throughout the Austin area and embodies what it truly means to give back." ~ Nominator and volunteer at the School for the Blind.  
Born and raised in Austin, Annie's passion for serving her community started 23 years ago.   Her main source of inspiration and motivation - Family. Having an aunt and cousin, both deaf, filled Annie with motivation and an unwavering desire to help people with disabilities. But it was her lovely mother, who was a very caring nurse and teacher that worked for the Texas School for the Deaf, who sparked a light that ignited Annie's devoted journey. Annie began by volunteering at the Texas School for the Deaf alongside her mother, and that is where she fell in love with working and encouraging children with disabilities. For over two decades, she went from volunteering to working as an American Sign Language (ASL) interpreter. Amazing! Annie proudly follows in her mother's footsteps, carrying on her legacy. 
After her tenure at the Texas School for the Deaf, Annie's dedication to helping those with disabilities has grown. For the past three years, she has been working as a Residential Service Educator at the School for the Blind and Visually Impaired. But her commitment does not stop there! Annie also works as a night-shift Certified Nursing Assistant! Most importantly,  she is also an amazing mother of two! Wow - Wow!
We are very thankful for all the positive contributions Annie makes to the Austin community. Such an inspiring, dedicated, and Ridiculously Awesome Viva Babe! Congratulations Annie! 
Annie's mantra in her mother's words: "Life is life, and you have to keep pushing through no matter what comes our way."