Amy is a children’s author, lives in Joliet, Illinois, and was nominated by her friend and fellow board member, Michelle. Amy has a “passion for kids, people, and the positive.” Amy’s ‘A Girl with a Cape’ series shares the message of kindness and reminds kids (young and young at heart) that #youmatter! She also visits local schools to engage her young readers to promote kindness in everything they do.

Additionally, five years ago, Amy founded the Kindness Gala Foundation, a non-profit with the mission to give back to local charities that assist others in times of crisis. Michelle writes, “Amy lost her sister to breast cancer and was so inspired by all the smaller local charities that helped her sister with things like helping with monthly bills, providing gift cards and helping her daughter have a good Christmas, that she founded The Kindness Gala Foundation to help those charities that helped her sister. The Kindness Gala Foundation has a gala each October to fundraise and help these smaller charities that maybe no one has heard of because they don't have big operating budgets.” ⁠

Amy, your giving heart fills us with so much hope and inspiration! The world is brighter and kinder because you are in it. #youmatter