Alejandra A

There's a crack in everything; that's how the light gets in
Alejandra is an amazing advocate for immigrant communities. She makes it her life mission to create an inclusive environment for all people, paying attention to the tiniest details that might make someone feel like they don't belong. She is willing to push the envelope and tell hard truths to build trust and create a more just world. 
Alejandra is a passionate volunteer and Board Member at VECINA. VECINA's mission is to empower immigrant justice advocates through mentoring attorneys, educating communities, and mobilizing volunteers. She is a bilingual social impact program manager committed to influencing cultures of inclusion and building trust and transparency within programs, communities, and people. Originally from Puerto Rico and a mother of two awesome boys, Alejandra advocates for underserved, underrepresented, and immigrant communities in various nonprofit settings, including K-12 education, mental health, and higher education. She is a Rock Star! 
When we asked her who inspired her in this journey, she explained that her father is her inspiration. In her words: "We were very close, and he was instrumental in developing my commitment to social justice. He passed away two years ago – I miss him terribly and always carry his hard-to-follow advice in my heart: Trust the process." 
A mantra she lives by is from a song by Leonard Cohen: "There's a crack in everything; that's how the light gets in."